- Mochaby LoriThere is something so satisfying about a well-made mocha latte—a perfect blend of coffee and chocolate, with just enough steamed milk to smooth things out. It probably contains around a thousand calories, but now and then I allow myself the indulgence, especially on a cold, gray day. The other day I was at my local… Read more: Mocha
- The Memory Quilt Sagaby LoriAfter several years and lots of help from generous quilter friends, I’ve finished a memory quilt made from Joe’s shirts. I am so grateful to have it! Read the whole story here.
- Forward in the Darknessby LoriOn this day in 2017, we held Joe’s memorial service at Chino Valley Community Church. If you attended that service you already know this story. This is a reprint from the program that was handed out that day: Most of you know that Joe was a musician/songwriter. He also was a hiker. He spent many… Read more: Forward in the Darkness
- I Like People!by LoriI have often heard that introverts are anti-social. This is a common misconception. Many introverts (myself included) easily start conversations with strangers and enjoy getting to know people. I know introverts who are very social and love hanging out with their friends and making new ones. And, I’ve known shy extroverts: they are energized when around… Read more: I Like People!
- An Unbeliever’s Favorite Hymnby LoriMy dad gave me my first guitar, a used 12-string he bought from a friend, when I was fourteen. For the rest of his life, whenever we gathered as a family or when he had friends over, he would say, “Lori, go get your guitar and sing for us!” I sang a lot of John… Read more: An Unbeliever’s Favorite Hymn
- Look at Me!by LoriWhen we first rescued Ivy as an older puppy, she was easily distracted by the slightest sound or movement, often reacting to the distraction with lunging and loud, nervous barking. Once distracted, it was hard to get her attention back on me. Over time, she has come to “love” me (or whatever the dog equivalent… Read more: Look at Me!
- Ezra (Peace in the Not-Knowing)by LoriWe happily anticipated his arrival for many months. Car seats were purchased and installed, baby showers were thrown, a portacrib was set up at Grandma’s house… I was sewing the final stitches on his baby quilt when I received the news that Ezra, my first grandchild, had died in the womb, just hours before his… Read more: Ezra (Peace in the Not-Knowing)
- Just Finish One!by LoriI have a stack of books on my nightstand. And another stack by my chair in the living room, and still another stack on the little table on the front porch, all at various stages of completion. I like to think this means I have many moods and many interests. It probably just means I… Read more: Just Finish One!
- Forward in the Fogby LoriI told you I would keep you posted regarding the release of my memoir, Forward in the Fog. It is now available on Amazon, barnesandnoble.com, and from the publisher: wipfandstock.com. May you draw near to God as you continue moving forward through the circumstances of life—both pleasant and difficult. God is our refuge and strength… —Psalm 46:1
- Upcoming Memoirby LoriSo, I wrote a book! And I have a publisher! Forward in the Fog: A Mother’s Memoir of Trusting God with a Broken Heart should release in early 2024. Part 1 relates my experience as my son Joe’s caregiver and companion during his three-year brain cancer journey, as he bravely endured increasing limitations both physically and… Read more: Upcoming Memoir
- He is Goodby LoriFirst, some blog housekeeping: Thank you so much for your patience and grace as I navigate my way through this new (to me) website platform. A special thank you to my first subscribers! I appreciate your support and your presence here! Just so you know, if you subscribe you should receive a Confirmation email asking… Read more: He is Good
- Incredibleby LoriI personally know people who, when they truly submitted to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, were set free from addiction to alcohol or drugs or pornography. The testimonies of these people are inspiring and encouraging. They confirm what we Christians know: that God is good and that He is in the business of… Read more: Incredible
- 15 Wordsby LoriThose of you who have followed my blog at joefischermusic.com are aware that my son Joe died of brain cancer at the age of twenty-four. Some have written about the “Five Stages of Grief” (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance), but we know that grief is not that predictable. It ebbs and flows. My friend… Read more: 15 Words
- Logoby LoriI suppose I should explain the logo at the top of this page. I am aware of my own frailty and sin nature, and the thought of being uselessly busy without accomplishing anything of eternal value troubles me. I love that Jesus reminds us, I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in… Read more: Logo
- Welcome!by LoriHello and welcome to loridfischer.com! If you have been following my blog at joefischermusic.com during the past five years, you know that I write about grief and surviving seasons of suffering. I am deeply grateful for your companionship there, your comments, and your encouragement over the years—thank you so much for reading and following along. I plan… Read more: Welcome!

Hello, I’m Lori. I am continually discovering ways to embrace and enjoy life after tragedy. Please join me on my journey and let’s inspire and encourage each other. Read more…
I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. — John 15:5
Scripture from (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.