I have a stack of books on my nightstand. And another stack by my chair in the living room, and still another stack on the little table on the front porch, all at various stages of completion. I like to think this means I have many moods and many interests. It probably just means I am more of a starter than a finisher. And perhaps a bit impatient…
When I was growing up, I could spend hours reading a book. I’m not sure what happened, but I don’t seem to have that kind of time any more, even in retirement! So I read in short spurts, usually not longer than twenty or thirty minutes. Thus, it takes me a long time to finish a book. And I don’t wait until I finish one before starting something new. Hence my stacks of partially-read books.

For the past many years I’ve read mostly non-fiction, but the book club I recently joined includes fiction, so I’ve read a few novels lately. (Okay, I’ve started four and finished one).
Here are a few currently in process:
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi (for my book club) Best to listen to the author read this one!
The Legacy of Sovereign Joy by John Piper (short biographies of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin)
7 Men and the Secrets of Their Greatness by Eric Metaxas (currently reading the Jackie Robinson chapter—so good)
Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard (for my other “book club” with only two members: my daughter Anna and me). Yes, we are aware the author later veered away from Biblical accuracy, but like a previous book we read, Gordon Livingston’s secular Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart, there is great fodder for discussions about what we believe, and why.
Did you know April 23 is World Book Day? Maybe I’ll try to finish a book by then.
What are you reading these days?