So, I wrote a book! And I have a publisher!
Forward in the Fog: A Mother’s Memoir of Trusting God with a Broken Heart should release in early 2024.
Part 1 relates my experience as my son Joe’s caregiver and companion during his three-year brain cancer journey, as he bravely endured increasing limitations both physically and mentally. Joe was a singer-songwriter and guitarist, and I have included some of his lyrics and the stories behind them.
Part 2 is a raw and honest look at my grief and healing process in the three years after his death at the age of twenty-four.
While slogging through the fog of my grief, I often thought of one of Joe’s songs, “Forward in the Darkness”, in which Joe acknowledges that even when he doesn’t sense God’s presence, he can remember God’s past faithfulness and trust Him going forward into “uncertain days.” It seemed fitting for my book title to reflect that same idea, as I have at times felt that way, too.
The book should be available early next year at the publisher’s website (ask me about a 40% off code if you order direct from the publisher), as well as on Amazon,, and pretty much anywhere books are sold. I will keep you posted as to its release date!
Meanwhile, here is Chapter One…